voter egaement bridgade
Formed in 2020 under Black Lives Matter Louisville, the sole purpose of the Voter Engagement Brigade (“VEB”), comprised of senior citizens from the community, is to register, energize and incentivize registered voters to realize their responsibility to make positive changes, both in our community and in our nation, by exercising or reinstating their right to vote.

how we accomplish the mission
Hosting Rides to the Polls for seniors to vote early
Helping voters understand absentee ballots and when to turn them in
Being aware, informed of and following legislation that effects our community, our state and our nation.
Developing civic responsibility programs or incentive programs for grade school-aged youth so that they learn early the significance of the vote, in hopes that not only would they impact their brothers, sisters and other family members, but in hopes that when they turn 18, they would immediately register without reminder or further incentive to vote.
Building rapport with elected officials, including hosting events to learn of their positions on matters which effect our community, city and state.
Examining strategies and long-range goals of candidates in upcoming elections to determine which of them has proven record of, or is committed to establishing going forward gains for the undeserved and/or those least represented by elected officials in our communities.